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General Course Schedule
PC Academy courses are offered on Thursday evenings from 6:45 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. A detailed schedule is available on the church calender. Course descriptions and booklet information are below.

Course 1: Church Alive

This class explores church vitality. What makes a church tick? Why do some churches close their doors? Why do some churches experience explosive positive growth? In the course “Church Alive,” these questions and more will be answered. This class is helpful to those both excited and interested in the journey of Peak City.

Course Booklet: ISBN 9781433683923

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Course 2: Training for Service

This course is a survey of biblical studies. An introductory course to understanding the bible, many facts are unknown by persons who have attended church for many years. This course gives great foundation to the new believer and those needing a refresher on biblical essentials.

Course Booklet: ISBN 9780087297043

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